The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Rachel Corrie and the Ku Klux Klan Who is really shocked by the decision of the Jewish judge who ruled that Rachel Corrie was responsible for her own death? Certainly not Vigil Supporter E, who suggests a comparable situation where a white man, tried by members of the Ku Klux Klan for the lynching of […]

Another Visitor at our Vigil A young student from the University of Michigan stopped by and gave us support. Vigil supporter J attended Columbia University before transferring to UM and commented on the Jewish community’s domination of campus activities in New York. J now sees the same influence at UM, and since J grew up […]

Vigilers Receive Surprise Visit Two brothers (one from Pennsylvania, the other from Vermont) were visiting their Ann Arbor former home and noticed our vigil. They stopped and enjoyed speaking with protesters; at least one held a sign. From his home he writes: My brother and I were on the way to visit our childhood home […]

Jews Push America into Another War Recent articles from The Washington Post and The New American highlight the small but powerful community which seeks to lead our country into yet another mid East fiasco with predictably deadly results. Zionist Jews Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Howard Berman and Chuck Schumer each place their tribal interests in supporting the Jewish state […]

Response to Neighbors on Mark Hannah (St.) Eleven households on Mark Hannah St. in Ann Arbor received my written response to the concerns raised in their letter of June 5, regarding the Israeli flag with an international “NO” sign on it in my front yard. The response attempted in part to describe the events leading to […]

Vote for Herskovitz Tough times call for tough decisions and our tolerance of a war-mongering assassin who promised change, but has delivered nothing close to it, has run out. Instead, we have witnessed the creation of a police state to deal with peaceful protesters, Wall Street bailouts, continued disproportionate incarceration of minorities (mostly due to […]

JWPF Loses Founding Member It is with feelings of great sadness and personal loss that we report the death of Sol Metz, a champion of justice and worker for the oppressed long before this writer got into the struggle for justice. Sol was a founder of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends, and will be […]
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