The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Archive for the ‘DYR Board’ category

Jewish Power Discussed on Moral Politics During July’s absence from Ann Arbor, Bill Alford interviewed this writer in Seattle. Alford is the founder of Moral Politics TV and this segment of his show was aired on August 30. Bill writes an introduction: Guest Henry Herskovitz, in a timely encore Moral Politics appearance, warns about Jewish […]

Front Page, Above the Fold Reporter Ryan Stanton visited our vigil on August 24, and his 2,000-word article received front page prominence in the Sunday print edition of Mr. Stanton visited my home earlier in the week and conducted a 45-minute interview there. He also interviewed Beth Israel’s rabbi and congregants, as well as a […]

Flagpole Destroyed Near midnight on August 12 a vandal crept onto my front lawn and attempted to physically remove the anti-Israel flag that hangs from the tree there. What once was became in less than one minute. This trespass and malicious destruction of property has been reported to the Ann Arbor Police Department and we […]

The Party Never Ends …and neither does the work. Wearing the “colors” on a cross-country motorcycle ride, this writer found many opportunities to initiate discussion of Jewish supremacism in Palestine and the Western world in general. An interview on the topic of Jewish Power with Bill Alford on his Moral Politics cable TV show will […]

Richard Siverstein: Fox Guards the Henhouse An associate passed along an invitation to hear Richard Silverstein speak in Seattle this week. Silverstein operates a blog called Tikkun Olam, meaning “to heal the world“, although it appeared through our email exchange that Richard, with many other Jewish leaders in the Palestinian solidarity movement, refuses to countenance the single […]

Tony Soprano, Israel, and Jewish Power Well, the boss is dead, and there are those of us who now grieve, kidding ourselves into believing that we actually knew him. Such is the power of Hollywood: the ability to manipulate emotions, often to promote political agendas. Anyone see Exodus lately? Sophie’s Choice? Try typing “Holocaust Films” into […]

The Israeli Dog and US Tail People are awful sensitive; you gotta watch what you say. A former quitter of these vigil reports has quit the list again, citing our “…very different positions about the role of Israel and the Israeli lobby on US foreign policy”, and an allegation that my speech of last week at […]
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