The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Archive for the ‘News & Opinion’ category

Caption Contest Check out the photo below and consider the following question: Which caption provides the viewer with the stronger emotional reaction? Caption 1: Here is a recently released photograph of the back side of Auschwitz from the archives at Yad Vashem, 1943. The cattle cars (one is visible) containing older or infirm Jews were […]

Jewish News: Prudence or Cowardice? Witness for Peace has sent the following letter to the Washtenaw Jewish News and we’re currently awaiting response: March 22, 2017 Ms. Susan Kravitz Ayer Editor and Publisher Washtenaw Jewish News Re: An open letter to an Ann Arbor hate group, WJN September 2015 Dear Ms. Ayer, A close friend […]

Witness for Peace addresses Ann Arbor District Library What good is BDS if not implemented? Quoting from the original Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS, “We, representatives of Palestinian civil society, call upon international civil society organizations and people of conscience all over the world to impose broad boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel […]

Jewish Power Never Sleeps Like Michigan rust on vehicles, Jewish Power remains relentless at getting its way. Just when Witness for Peace was to announce the installation of a local billboard – sponsored by sister organization Deir Yassin Remembered and carrying our message “America First, Not Israel” – we get “the call”. The billboard pictured […]

Jackie Robinson and Jewish Power Emotions naturally flare at watching the PBS special shown on MLK day of the career of baseball icon Jackie Robinson. Who could not grow emotional when reminded that Jackie and wife Rachel were bumped twice from the planes carrying them to a spring training camp in Florida? What outrage is […]

Will Trump Usher in the End of Political Correctness? Not all Donald Trump voters were those as described by JD Vance in “Hillbilly Elegy”. Some were actually people who consider themselves lefties, but sick of the never-ending demands of political correctness. Tiny example: in the PC town of Ann Arbor – where it is now […]

Can’t Get No Respect The Amcha Initiative is an on-line complaint desk for incidents of alleged anti-Semitism on America’s campuses. You can visit their website and search by state and college for these nefarious incidents. Curiously, Witness for Peace’s 13-year-old “harassment” of a Jewish house of warship hasn’t made the list. True, we operate slightly […]
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