The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 11-10-12

Posted on November 18th, 2012 at 9:38 am by

Miko Peled: What He Doesn’t Say …

Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son – Journey of an Israeli in Palestine, gave a recorded talk in Seattle last month and it came to our desk with flying colors: “A Must Watch”, “Let the world know good Israeli Jews do exist!!!!”

And sure enough, many critical comments come from this Jewish Israeli, critical of his Jewish state. But interestingly, he refers to his state as the “Zionist state”, which always catches the ear of this writer. Neither Theodore Herzl nor Benjamin Netanyahu calls it the Zionist state. They call it the Jewish State, and so does the state itself in the 1948 Declaration of Establishment of the State of Israel. Is Mr. Peled giving Jews a pass? Why?

Does Mr. Peled support or reject Israel’s claimed right to exist as a Jewish state? We don’t know because he’s not telling; which, of course is VERY telling. Why do we have to guess? Is he a slave owner masquerading around in an abolitionist milieu, who only steers the conversation away from the dismantlement of slavery?

Although he discusses Palestinian Right of Return (ROR), he does not demand the full and immediate ROR as stipulated in UN Resolution 194. Watch the video again if you need to. Is he protecting his Jewish state by not making this demand? Again, we’re left in the dark.

What about Israel’s legitimacy as a Jewish supremacist state? Does he even mention Jewish supremacism? Does he not understand White supremacism in South Africa and see the parallels? At a time when PM Netanyahu is demanding from Palestinians they recognize Israel’s “right” to exist as a Jewish state, Mr. Peled drops the ball when he should be clearly and loudly expressing his rejection of this racist superiority.

Where is his rejection of the racism that exists within his own Jewish community? Where is his Malcolm X-understanding that the racism that propels the Jewish state lies in the core of his tribe? We cannot see in this talk where he holds his Jewish community accountable for their unmistakable and unanimous support for the Jewish state.

Finally, why does he mention the “holocaust” at least six times in his presentation? Whose emotions is he trying to manipulate? Why doesn’t he explain the irrelevance of this six-year span of history to the goals of the Zionist conquistadores, who had a movement so mature that they convened the 1st World Zionist Organization meeting in Basil, Switzerland when Adolf Hitler was seven years old?

Zeitouna Ladies Exhibit a Tiny Schism

Two members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends were surprised to find that members of the political group Zeitouna were selected to be the Q&A panel to the movie Encounter Point last week. Readers will remember this Jewish-led group meets twice a month to have dinner and to share emotions along the lines of “you suffer, I suffer, let’s eat, and let’s certainly not talk about who’s actually causing the others’ suffering”.

The Palestinian women on the panel were quite firm in announcing that things in their homeland have gotten much worse in the last few years, and their Jewish sisters offered a lot of hand-wringing as accompaniment. “What to do?” their expressions said. When this writer suggested one-woman, one-vote for all in the territory “Israel” controls as a solution, he was reminded that Zeitouna is not a political group and what would their opinion be worth, anyway?

Our favorite Palestinian woman in the group, however, did offer that “reconciliation” – a defining description of Zeitouna, was not appropriate while the sins of “Israel” were ongoing and that the Truth and Reconciliation Committee of South Africa was formed only after the racist shell of Apartheid was broken. Good for her!

JWPF in the News

The Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, whose Director just won a seat on Ann Arbor’s City Council, has weighed in with a public letter to our group complaining about articles “circulated” by this author with “Making Monsters at Beth Israel” being singled out. Moreover, the ICPJ letter asks that we cease our nine-year-old vigils at Beth Israel. Was this request a payback for political support, as one commenter asks? We don’t know. We are, however, mindful of an almost identical request by the same organization was offered in the fall of 2005, with our response. Our response was never addressed, and we continue to feel these requests as hollow, and made only for public consumption. In the meantime, as explained in the article by Janet Miller, JWPF reports no plans to cease our vigils.


Eight vigilers protesting
Illegitimate “Israel”
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 11-03-12

Posted on November 8th, 2012 at 7:54 am by

Is She Jewish? Does it Matter?

The National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) conference was held in Ann Arbor Nov. 2-4, but no JWPF members even knew about it until our friend Michael – from the Yom Kippur protest in Boulder, Colorado – informed this writer that he was planning to attend.

But alas, neither Michael nor this writer had any luck registering for this event. Code Pink member Sasha Gelzin informed me that this conference was open only to students. Is she Jewish? Does that matter? Well, yes, it matters. Jewish activists in the Palestine solidarity movement have quite the gatekeeping history, and it would be nice to know where the organizers stand on the issue of Israel’s claimed “right” to exist as a Jewish state. Code Pink won’t tell us and neither will conference-supporter Jewish Voice for Peace. Vigiler M points out that Ms. Gelzin is a frequent contributor to the Anti-Zionist Zionist (AZZ) Phil Weiss, whose gatekeeping prowess was exposed in our last report. Sasha runs her conference the way she sees fit: keeping those who might not share her political views out of the work sessions this conference provides.

An extensive interview with one of the attending students indicates how powerful this method of spoon-feeding select information is, without the “interference” of opposing points of view. This young man was able to recite chapter and verse the teachings of Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky, hardly reacting to the Jewish Zionist identity of these two individuals. “International consensus”, “Strategic use of Israel by the United States”, “US Imperial interests”, “Two-state solution now, one-state later”, “seeking realistic solutions”. It was like having a conversation with Norman himself. Having read only the introduction to The Israel Lobby by Mearsheimer and Walt, this very likable student was able to denounce its conclusions. As a friend’s father is fond of saying: “You never know”, but the likelihood of NSJP ever shrugging off their Jewish manipulators, or actually mounting a legitimate boycott campaign, remains doubtful. Two vigil supporters carrying “Boycott Apartheid Boycott ‘Israel'” signs into the open-to-the-public final session were summarily given the literal boot before they even set foot in the lecture room.

Ali Abunimah Wants (Almost All) Voices Heard

Electronic Intifada Director Ali Abunimah addressed the organization during closing ceremonies and called for the Palestinian story to be told on campuses. But he certainly wasn’t about to identify Jews as the group of folks holding his Palestine under lock and key (and gun). One has to wonder what’s really going on when Abunimah launches a full-scale dynamic silencing attack against our friend Gilad Atzmon for his nerve at examining Jewish identity politics. Jews may be the most highly-visible, well-connected, politically manipulative, wealthiest single group that supports the Jewish state, but outside of a peep of accusation from Noor Ali, who also addressed the small audience at closing, you wouldn’t know it from this conference. See “Ali Abunimah & Gilad Atzmon at the OK Corral” for the full story.

As a four-year-old boy noticed in Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania, about 62 years ago: “Sump’n ‘tinks in here.”


Seven vigilers
Israel’s Hold on Congress Must End
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 10-20-12

Posted on October 28th, 2012 at 10:51 am by

CROP Walk “A success”

Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice program coordinator Bill Alt deemed this year’s annual CROP walk a success and links his readers to an article by where readers can view photos of this event. What these thumbnails won’t show you is three members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends who reminded these folks that hunger and starvation in Palestine is deliberate, unnecessary, and correctable. We were happy to take part in a local even that raised $35,000 in pledges.

Grace Kotre Deems Criticism of Israel “Highly Inappropriate”

Paid ICPJ Program Director Grace Kotre, with child in hand, admonished this writer at the start of the CROP walk, telling him his sign and t-shirt were “highly inappropriate” and asked him to discontinue carrying the sign. She was told that her right to ask such favors was supported. We note that Grace’s father was one of the two “guards” at the Interfaith Round Table meeting of September 15, 2009 who attempted to prevent this writer from attending the meeting. Readers may remember that I was escorted from that meeting by officers of the Ann Arbor Police Department. We guess that gatekeeping is a family value highly stressed in the Kotre family.

Phil Weiss – Another Jewish Gatekeeper

Reacting to the cyber-flap over Greta Berlin, Mondoweiss, a popular blog run by AZZs* Phil Weiss and Adam Horowitz, has changed its comment policy apparently to protect Jews from communal and individual criticism. The change in their policy is summarized succinctly in their own words:”We believe in free speech … We just don’t want it here”

We in Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends have known about Weiss’ gatekeeping prowess for over three years when we first asked him to report on our vigils. Our request was repeated two years ago, and Weiss once again replied seeking further information on our vigils:

Hi Henry,
Let me think it over. I’m completely in line with your politics here, but I don’t fully get the focus on the synagogue… I mean, I blame American Jews for what’s happening over there, but…
Help me,

So we tried to educate Phil on our vigils with about 500 words and an offer to continue. He respectfully replied

thanks henry, i share focus on jewish community. let me get back to you… phil

… and that was the last thing we ever heard. Our offer to supply input from a Palestinian Muslim who stands with us was unanswered.

Quote of the Week

A protected source addresses Ms. Kotre and Mr. Weiss from this month’s “Power Report” by Ingrid Zundel: “People who lie on the behalf of powerful vested interests are richly rewarded. People who offend powerful vested interests by exposing their hoaxes are severely punished”

* – Anti-Zionist Zionist, Jewish activist who prioritizes Jewish tribal loyalties over all else, ref: Wandering Who by Gilad Atzmon [italics]


Seven vigilers
Invasion and Displacement is not Peace
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

What To Do When The Police/FBI Come Knocking

Posted on October 16th, 2012 at 11:51 pm by

The Palestine solidarity movement is the object of ongoing scrutiny by US law enforcement officials, including the FBI,  and you may be investigated even if you have done nothing illegal. The police targeting of law-abiding political activists has a long history in the US and 9/11 was used as an excuse to expand local, state, and federal law enforcement intelligence sharing, with ominous implications for civil liberties.

This post will share some expert advice on what you should do if you are contacted by law enforcement. We’ll start with “three basic rules” from veteran criminal defense attorney Sam Fields (these rules actually apply to all law enforcement encounters, not just the FBI):

1. Do not talk to the FBI without a lawyer.
2. Do not talk to the FBI without a lawyer.
3. Do not talk to the FBI without a lawyer.

Here are three questions with answers from the American Civil Liberties Union’s Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement booklet:

Q: Do I have to answer questions asked by law enforcement officers?
A: No. You have the constitutional right to remain silent. In general, you do not have to talk to law enforcement officers (or anyone else), even if you do not feel free to walk away from the officer, you are arrested, or you are in jail. You cannot be punished for refusing to answer a question. It is a good idea to talk to a lawyer before agreeing to answer questions. In general, only a judge can order you to answer questions. (Non-citizens should see Section IV for more information on this topic.)

Q: Are there any exceptions to the general rule that I do not have to answer questions?
A: Yes, there are two limited exceptions. First, in some states, you must provide your name to law enforcement officers if you are stopped and told to identify yourself. But even if you give your name, you are not required to answer other questions. Second, if you are driving and you are pulled over for a traffic violation, the officer can require you to show your license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance (but you do not have to answer questions). (Non-citizens should see Section IV for more information on this topic.)

Q: Can I talk to a lawyer before answering questions?
A: Yes. You have the constitutional right to talk to a lawyer before answering questions, whether or not the police tell you about that right. The lawyer’s job is to protect your rights. Once you say that you want to talk to a lawyer, officers should stop asking you questions. If they continue to ask questions, you still have the right to remain silent. If you do not have a lawyer, you may still tell the officer you want to speak to one before answering questions. If you do have a lawyer, keep his or her business card with you. Show it to the officer, and ask to call your lawyer. Remember to get the name, agency and telephone number of any law enforcement officer who stops or visits you, and give that information to your lawyer.

Here are some important points to consider from attorney Brian Glick’s 1989 book War At Home: Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It:

If the FBI Drops By, JUST SAY NO!!

1. You do not have to talk to FBI agents, police, or other investigators. You do not have to talk to them in your house, on the street; if you have been arrested, or even in jail. Only a court or grand jury has legal authority to compel testimony.

2. You don’t have to let the FBI or police into your home or office unless they show you an arrest or search warrant which authorizes them to enter that specific place.

3. If they do present a warrant, you do not have to tell them anything other than your name and address. You do have a right to observe what they do. Make written notes, including the agent’s names, agency, and badge numbers. Try to have other people present as witnesses, and have them make written notes too. (note: when presented with a search warrant make sure you check it and it is the correct warrant for your house, etc.)

4. Anything you say to an FBI agent or other law enforcement officer may be used against you and other people.

5. Giving the FBI or police information may mean that you will have to testify to the same information at a trial or before a grand jury.

6. Lying to an FBI agent or other federal investigator is a crime. (although they can lie to you!).

7. The best advice, if the FBI or other police try to question you or enter your home or office without a warrant, is to JUST SAY NO!! FBI agents have a job to do, and they are highly skilled at it. Attempting to outwit them is very risky. You can never tell how a seemingly harmless bit of information can help them hurt you or someone else.

8. The FBI or police may threaten you with a grand jury subpoena if you don’t give them information. But you may get one anyway, and anything you’ve already told them will be the basis for more detailed questioning under oath. …

9. They may try to threaten or intimidate you by pretending to have information about you: “We know what you have been doing, but if you cooperate it will be alright.” If you are concerned about this, tell them you will talk to them with your lawyer present.

10. If you are nervous about simply refusing to talk, you may find it easier to tell them to contact your lawyer. Once a lawyer is involved, the FBI and police usually pull back since they lose their power to intimidate.

And in case you’re an audio-video learner, here’s a video entitled “Don’t Talk to the Police” and featuring Regent University Law Professor James Duane:

See also:

Report on Beth Israel vigil 10-06-12

Posted on October 14th, 2012 at 10:03 am by

Flag Makes Regular Appearance at JWPF Vigils

Plans to display our anti-Israel flag at our weekly vigils at Beth Israel Congregation are ongoing with a new flag in the works. This action will coincide with new signs challenging “Israel”‘s legitimacy.

Thank You Greta Berlin

There has certainly been a lot of cyber-yammering about the tweet from Free Gaza Movement spokeswoman Greta Berlin this week, and for us it raises some pertinent questions and issues. What, indeed, is “anti-Semitism” and why does it have any play in the Palestine solidarity movement? Who decides? Where does the power lie that punishes those who would dare link the holocaust to the invasion and dispossession of Palestine?

As Norman Finkelstein documented before he fully succumbed to “the dark side of the Force”, the holocaust has been the sword and shield of the Jewish state for decades, yet too seldom is it discussed thoroughly and openly. We note that there are fourteen countries where open deviation from the Holocaust Industry party line can land one in prison.

Those of us raised on the horror story of Germans manufacturing bars of soap out of Jewish victims are startled to find out these stories false. Binjamin Wilkomirski’s US National Jewish Book Award-winning holocaust memoir was revealed to be a literary hoax fabricated from whole cloth. Ditto Herman Rosenblat’s acclaimed concentration-camp-to-Coney-Island love story, which despite being proven false is still being made into a feature film. And the multimillionaire doyen of the Holocaust Industry is a Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights fraud as revealed in Mark Chmiel’s Elie Wiesel and the Politics of Moral Leadership (Temple UP, 20012).

Can we ask what else is false in the dominant holocaust narrative without receiving condemnation from friends and relatives? Vigiler M had the misfortune to suggest to a Jewish friend that, in light of Jewish lies about Palestine and the creation of Israel, e.g. “a land without people for a people without a land”, the dominant holocaust narrative should be probably viewed with a “healthy skepticism”. This Jewish friend trashed the ten-year relationship as though it never existed.

This is classic Jewish “victimhood” and arrogance at its worst. Former Knesset member Shulamit Aloni explained it this way to Amy Goodman (herself a Jewish power broker): “It’s a trick; we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel then they are anti-Semitic.”

Perhaps the holocaust bogeyman will lose more of its manipulative power, and the cry of “anti-Semitism” also loses its power, if the peace community can muster up the courage to pry open the lid of this Pandora’s Box that the Greta Berlin affair has unlocked for us. Holocaust Wars, an on-topic paper by Paul Eisen, would be a good follow-up read to consider.


Six vigilers
Anti-Apartheid, Anti-Israel
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 09-29-12

Posted on October 7th, 2012 at 9:56 am by

Desperate Ann Arbor Jews Cling to Two-State “Solution”

Approximately 140 local Jews calling themselves “The Future of Pro-Israel”, a project of the J-Street Education Fund, have placed a full-page ad in September’s Washtenaw Jewish News, in an attempt to salvage their Jewish state. They know that the only way they can save their “right” to ethno-religious superiority over Palestinians is to create a kinder and gentler racist state in 78% of historic Palestine, and sell it to the world as a “Jewish homeland and a democracy” while relegating millions of Palestinians to less than 22% of their homeland.

A Telling Contradiction

This document is cleverly written, with attempts to misdirect its readers’ attentions, as when it misidentifies the two players as “Israelis” and “Palestinians”, thereby appropriating an Ariel Sharon technique of establishing “facts on the ground”. In fact, the two players are Jews and Palestinians, and “Israelis” serves to mask the impertinence, artificiality and illegitimacy of the Zionist entity. There will be no “Israelis” after “the Zionist regime in Jerusalem” will “vanish from the page of time.” (See “Israel’s problem in Tehran” by Jonathan Cook).

The authors present us with a gift: they are telling us that their arguments are vulnerable, and they are showing us where. They write – without substantiation or argument – that “this cannot be a zero-sum game”. Since 2007 JWPF has been proclaiming the obvious: Territorial losses suffered by the Palestinians from 1897 onward have been gains for Jews who forced the unwilling indigenous folks from their homes and land. A clearer example of a Zero-Sum Game could hardly be envisioned, and these 140 signatories realize how vulnerable they are on this topic, so they deny reality.

Finally, we note Peace Monger has written about the Tikkun Olam hoax that the signatories presumably try to pass off as benevolent. They’re right about one thing though: Yes, Virginia, “tikkun olam is part of building a Jewish homeland”, it’s part of the Jewish “commitment to justice” snow job that the Jewish community has been perpetuating for decades, if not centuries.

The full text of the ad is repeated below signature, and a .pdf copy – with signatures – is viewable here.

A Missing Signature

Often the vigilers are harassed by UM Professor Victor Lieberman, who claims we have no right to “picket” religious institutions. Listen to him chastise a JWPF member with his blatantly false claim that J-Street is “Pro-Palestinian”. Even a casual glance at the J-Street document shows no such reference. Readers are invited to view the video and draw their own conclusions. We note that Professor Lieberman elected not to sign the J-Street document.

Following up with Pastor Rhodenhiser

As reported on Sept. 9, JWPF was asked by Pastors Rhodenhiser and Wilson, and also Mayor Hieftje, to cease the vigils at Beth Israel Congregation. After a respectable email exchange, we informed Pastor Rhodenhiser that there were too many reasons to keep the vigils at BIC. Contrary to their claim that we unfairly were singling out BIC for a vigil whose responsibility was shared by all, we recognize that Beth Israel publicly claims 100% support for Israel’s claimed right to exist as a Jewish state; it also continues transporting young children to Israel to indoctrinate them into the myth of unique Jewish suffering and specialness.

Next Sunday Join JWPF at the CROP Walk

Signs are being prepared for our participation in the annual CROP Walk, and we are increasing our exercise programs to enable us to get through the three-mile walk next Sunday. Please join us.

What: CROP Walk in Ann Arbor
When: Sunday, October 14, 2012 Registration @ 1:00pm (walk at 2:00)
Where: Bethlehem United Church of Christ
423 S. Fourth Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104


Eleven vigilers
Stop the Genocide in Palestine
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Full-page advertisement in Washtenaw Jewish News, Sept. 2012

We come together as proud supporters of a two-state solution. We are Americans who believe in democracy and equality. We are Jews who believe that to seek peace is to pursue justice and ensure lasting security. We believe to our very core in Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish homeland and a democracy that guarantees equality to all its citizens. We fight for an Israel whose people live in security with recognized borders an Israel living in peace and prosperity alongside a Palestinian homeland where citizens can thrive and build their own country. We share in the vision of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people and Palestine as a homeland for the Palestinian people living side-by-side in peace and security.

We are the future of Pro-Israel and we believe in an Israel that is guided by its principles its ethics and its values as enshrined in its founding documents. We believe that tikkun olam is part of building a Jewish homeland not apart from it.; We understand that this conflict ends with two winners or two losers – that this cannot be a zero-sum game. We know that we cannot delay any longer. There will never be a better time or the right time. There is only less time; there is only now. That is why we call on the US government to invest all possible resources to help Israelis and Palestinians create a peaceful and secure future for tem both and we call out those opportunistic politicians who would jeopardize Israel’s future for their own political ends.

We are the future of pro-Israel and we have chosen to stand up for what is right and what is necessary. We care too much to be silent or to indulge in despair. We believe we serve Israel best when we create the space for an open conversation about its future in our community amongst and across generations and denominations. We will be tireless in our efforts. We will go from synagogue to synagogue Congressional district to Congressional district house to house person to person – and we will make our voices heard.

In the name of our grandparents and for the sake of our grandchildren we are the future of pro-Israel.

Report on Beth Israel vigil 09-22-12

Posted on September 28th, 2012 at 8:26 am by

Another Synagogue Vigil Appears in Colorado

We are pleased to announce a successful Yom Kippur vigil held by a couple members of CU-Divest, a group demanding divestment from Israel at Colorado University. Members of Congregation Nevei Kodesh were offered flyers (click here and here) and encouragement to atone for supporting the sin of ethnic cleansing that Israel has been committing for sixty four years. Michael Rabb organized CU-Divest as part of Boulder’s BDS community, and recognized that the issue needed to be addressed and taken to American Jews. He was joined by at least one other activist dedicated to bring awareness of Palestine’s eroding territory and control, and the Jewish community’s responsibility for supporting these crimes.

Michael reports to us that 25% of entering congregants accepted his flyer and offered thanks. Others were either not so kind or ignored the offering altogether. You can read his report from the CU-Divest page here. We at JWPF recognize this achievement by Michael and CU-Divest and wish them additional vigils and continued success.

JWPF Donates Book to Local Library

The Ann Arbor District Library now has a shelf copy of The Wandering Who: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics, thanks to a donation by Vigiler G. of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends. Currently there are two holds on one available copy. Readers are encouraged to literally check out this book.

International Eat-a Cheeseburger Day Celebrated

Cheeseburger Day reports are coming from near and far. A few California supporters and vigilers sent in their photos of sumptuous home-cooked and restaurant-purchased gourmet cheeseburgers. And it is reported that at least one of our Brit friends tossed one down, underscoring the international aspect of the holiday. Many of us in Ann Arbor also remembered Bill Henry by wolfing down one of the four main food groups. We leave it to the readers to identify the other three.

Vandals Strike AATA’s Adopt-a-Stop

Back in May we reported that Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends adopted an Ann Arbor Transportation Authority bus stop. The stop is located – conveniently – at the site of our weekly protests. This week we are sad to report that vandals struck the sign identifying JWPF as the adoptive parents of this bus stop. AATA officials have been notified and are planning to replace the sign. We will be working with these officials to determine whether a police report will be made.

Reminder: Join JWPF at ICPJ’s Annual CROP Walk

Please join JWPF and Ann Arbor residents concerned about world hunger and poverty. We will purchase some new signs for this event which will highlight the hunger and poverty forced upon Palestinian citizens and refugees by the cruel policies of the Jewish state.

What: CROP Walk in Ann Arbor
When: Sunday, October 14, 2012 Registration @ 1:00pm (walk at 2:00)
Where: Bethlehem United Church of Christ
423 S. Fourth Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104


Nine vigilers
Israel: No Right to Exist
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
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