The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘Henry Herskovitz’

Quality, Not Quantity Sometimes it takes a d’oh! moment to hear the voice of reason. Last week’s report, you may remember, called for readers to express their opinion whether a certain cartoon sign should be posted at the vigils. The vote was 11-8 FOR displaying the cartoon. But Vigil Supporter J posited a game-changer. He […]

A Day in the Life (I) A female bicyclist cruises by our vigils, checks out our signs, and moves on, only to return a few minutes later. From my distant vantage point, I sense a slight commotion, and saunter over. The woman has turned our sign, “Israel: No Right to Exist” around and is attempting […]

Raul Hilberg: “I am at a loss.” Three members of JWPF gathered around a small table this week to discuss The Great Holocaust Trial by Michael Hoffman. Mr. Hoffman was a reporter at the “false news” trial of community activist Ernst Zundel in Toronto in 1985 and also at the 1988 re-trial. Though Ernst was […]

Je suis Alison We wonder about the powers behind the organization when three officers of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation sign a document calling our friend Alison Weir onto the carpet to answer to charges from an un-named source. The three officers signing onto the document described are: Felicia Eaves, Co-Chair, Steering […]

Hanging Germans Out to Dry Much has been made of the recent debate between Yousef Munayyer and Peter Beinart, where, according to Gilad Atzmon, Munayyer exposed Beinart’s Jewish tribalism. Actually, Beinart did it to himself, telling his audience “Is my view shaped by the fact that as a Jew I’m attached to the idea that […]

Want to Debate? Please link to the following 1-minute harangue authored by University of Michigan Professor Victor Lieberman and observe how he employs three hasbara techniques in an attempt to disrupt our peaceful vigils. First, he tries to divert our mission from holding Zionist Jews accountable for their support of Israeli crimes by bringing up […]

Kevin Barrett to promote new book in Ann Arbor This writer, along with JWPF and Deir Yassin Remembered, is pleased to announce an evening fireside chat with Veterans Today editor Kevin Barrett. Kevin will be plugging his new book, We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo!: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11 This book asks the questions […]
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