The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘Israel’

Springtime Arrives in Ann Arbor Vigiler G returned to the lineup Saturday after taking a winter’s break, as Witness for Peace celebrated the first warm day of 2019. The day coincided with Ann Arbor’s annual Hash Bash, which might have contributed to our Official Scorekeeper’s report of 46 “thumbs” vs. 10 “fingers”. Our weekly […]

Dear Jacqueline A close friend of ours lives in Hillsdale County. She has held that this writer’s interest – including speaking out – about the Holocaust undermines Palestinian liberation. This report is for her, and others who hold a similar opinion. Jacqueline notes a few things: One, that I have an effective message attempting to […]

The text below is from an online petition co-sponsored by Deir Yassin Remembered. By the end of 2009 it had garnered more than 500 signatures. It was removed without notice or explanation by the host,, sometime in 2014-2015. The text has been lightly edited for this post and hyperlinks added or updated. Investigate Possible […]

Please direct all media inquiries about DYR’s new billboard in metro Detroit (pictured below) to Dan McGowan at 315-781-3418 or Henry Herskovitz at 734-663-3649. Billboard donations to offset its cost or to keep it in place longer are welcome. If you opt to use JustGive for your donation please select “Billboard” under Program.

April 15, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Daniel McGowan Telephone: 315-789-3524 Email: Most people recognize that the apartheid wall Israel has been building for the past twelve years will one day be removed. But few have given serious consideration to how best to recycle hundreds of miles of this “separation barrier.” The idea of offering […]

Most people recognize that the apartheid wall Israel has been building for the past ten years will one day be removed. But few have given serious consideration to how best to recycle hundreds of miles of this “separation barrier.” Now, Gilad Atzmon, and several human rights organizations are offering a significant prize for the […]

The text that follows was submitted to Deir Yassin Remembered by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. It is presented here for your consideration and discussion. Foreword to Model Palestinian Declaration of Independence The chances for a Palestinian state seem to be evaporating, yet things aren’t hopeless. “Facts on the ground” are not immutable unless […]
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