The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 09-07-13

Posted on September 15th, 2013 at 7:40 pm by

Jewish Power to be Discussed in Ann Arbor

Time to circle the calendars for an open discussion of Jewish Power in Ann Arbor on the evening of Friday, September 27th. Deir Yassin Remembered is an organization dedicated to memorializing the village of Deir Yassin, which suffered perhaps the most notable terrorist attack by Jewish gangs six weeks before al Nakba, the catastrophe that befell Palestinians on May 14, 1948. The US and UK directors of this group – Dan McGowan and Paul Eisen – will be in town to raise and field questions, such as: How are some Jewish leaders in the peace movement harmful to the goal of liberating Palestine? Choice of venue is underway.

Get Back! Peacemonger Exposes Zionist “Humanitarianism”

In the front page article published by the Ann Arbor News (Aug. 25) about our 10-year vigils, author Ryan Stanton interviewed Dr. Barry Gross (infamous for his Tony Soprano-esq letter of 2004) as the person who “helped organize a system whereby congregants pledge to donate money to humanitarian causes for every protester who shows up on Saturdays.” Magen David Adom (MDA), the “Israeli” Red Cross and Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam (NSWAS), a co-operative village in Palestine, are listed as the two organizations bearing Gross’ “humanitarian” stamp.

Peacemonger examines these two organizations for us and exposes a rather seamy side. For instance, she quotes for us the words of MDA’s head of its “rabbinical committee” – Shmuel Eliyahu – who spoke about the need for “national revenge” in 2008 and sang the praises of “a revenge that is so painful, it will burn into their souls the message of all our enemies that Jewish blood is more valuable than gold and platinum.”

Nice guy, right? Humanitarian? Puh-leeze!

Then there’s the facetious NSWAS: Peacemonger uncovers the words of a non-Jewish (OMG) writer in the Palestine Liberation movement, the Lebanese Mulham Assir, who explains what we’ve always suspected:

Neve Shalom is a fraudulent propaganda construct created (like the Wall of Shame itself, on stolen land) to fool the world with the slogan ‘peaceful coexistence is possible.’ The subtext is ‘if only Palestinians would accept the occupation, the dispossession, our refusal to allow the refugee to come home even as we import people from all over the world to man our “Jewish state” machine, if they accepted their “métèque” and wog status in their own land, but above all, if only most of them would go away voluntarily so we wouldn’t have to allay our demographic fears by using tanks, missiles and bulldozers that put a crimp in our image abroad.’

If Barry Gross were truly interested in making contributions to humanitarian groups, he might consider tossing a few bucks to Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends.

Jewish Publication Highlights JWPF Vigils

Freelance reporter and Ann Arbor resident Steve Friess has written an article for the Tablet, an on-line Jewish publication. JWPF has just requested Peacemonger to deconstruct this article for us, but in the meantime, try and see how many false statements you can find contained. Feel free to comment to the article directly, and our answers will be supplied next week.


X vigilers
Which side are you on?
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 08-31-13

Posted on September 9th, 2013 at 9:14 am by

Jewish Power Discussed on Moral Politics

During July’s absence from Ann Arbor, Bill Alford interviewed this writer in Seattle. Alford is the founder of Moral Politics TV and this segment of his show was aired on August 30. Bill writes an introduction:

Guest Henry Herskovitz, in a timely encore Moral Politics appearance, warns about Jewish Power. He frames it the “core threat” – not Zionism, which flourishes because of Jewish Power.

Jewish racism and Jewish brutality are twins championed by Jewish Power. Criticism, guest Henry Herskovitz emphasizes, is legitimate.

Yet, Lame Stream Media – a fief of Jewish Power –cheerleads rather than holds Jewish atrocities & connivances in check. He hopes Christians will rally and deliver a BIG kick in the ass to Jews and their Power.

There is a BACKLASH coming, he fears. Majority Americans will react someday – severely – to Corrosion of their Democracy and Brash Exploitation committed by Jewish Power.

“Jewish Power ensures Jewish Power is not much discussed!”

Link to video at

Vigiler Assaulted (Again)

Vigiler T was filming our weekly vigil last Saturday, when he was accosted verbally and physically by neighbor Alexander Clay of 1915 Austin Avenue. Mr Clay used profanity, threats and actually spat upon Vigiler T. This assault was captured on film and shown to responding Ann Arbor Police Department officers. It was also used as a discussion item in this weeks Ann Arbor City Council meeting.

Swearing Oaths to Uphold What?

This writer addressed City Council this week to remind Council members of their commitment to uphold the Michigan and US Constitutions, both of which provide for freedom of speech. This commitment was not in evidence in remarks by the Mayor and some Council members in the front-page article that appeared in the local newspaper August 25. Specifically, Council was asked:

All this makes me wonder whether this group of elected officials swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, or an oath to uphold the sensibilities and comfort of the local Jewish community.

Readers can click here and advance to 00:31:38 to view commentary and also read the full text following signature.

Media Coverage of Council Presentation

Dave Askins of the Ann Arbor Chronicle reports on Council meetings and writes:

7:41 p.m. Herskovitz cites two news articles about the protests in front the Beth Israel Congregation on Washtenaw Avenue. He notes that at the previous council meeting, the council had been asked to express its displeasure about the protests. He objects to comments made by mayor John Hieftje and other councilmembers. Herskovitz reports that three days ago, someone had spat on a protestor. A police officer had come out to investigate and to view video of the incident, he says.

Last Reminder for Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day

The 4th annual Bill Henry International Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day will occur, inshallah, next Saturday. Celebrate with us outside Beth Israel Congregation on September 14, then join us for a tasty burger at a local Ann Arbor restaurant.


What Right to Exist as a Jewish Supremacist State?
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
Speech to City Council

September 3, 2013 [392 words]

Good Evening,

Two major news articles have recently appeared concerning our peaceful, weekly vigils in front of Beth Israel Congregation on Washtenaw Avenue. One concerned last month’s appearance here by Pastor James Rhodenhiser, who asked Council to “go[ing] on record supporting the congregants of Beth Israel, who might feel their burden will go unremarked”

Now, Pastor Rhodenhiser is free to ask that the 10-year exercise of our First Amendment rights be abrogated, but our elected officials have presumably sworn an oath of office before assuming public duties.

These newspaper articles contain some chilling remarks by those in office and I’d like to bring some of them to your attention.

Our Mayor is quoted as saying that he and other council members share many of the same concerns of Pastor Rhodenhisers’s and they wish the protests would stop… “Anything new we could do, I think, would be good,”

Also “picketing a local place of worship is the wrong way to get anything done.”

Our Second Ward Council representative chimes in with apparent agreement. She wants the city to continue exploring possible solutions and says “I’ve got to believe there are some incremental things we can do ….”

All this makes me wonder whether this group of elected officials swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, or an oath to uphold the sensibilities and comfort of the local Jewish community.

When the mayor of this town says “Without overstepping our bounds on the freedom of speech rights of those who protest, there’s nothing we can do about it legally,” one wonders if others could read into his words that something ILL-legal could be done.

Three days ago a resident of nearby Austin Avenue took it upon himself to do something ILL-legal. Mr. X approached our group using extremely profane language and spat on one of our peaceful protestors. The Ann Arbor Police Department was notified and officers came out to review the film of this assault and make a report. Charges against Mr. X may be filed.

Now it is conjecture on our part to connect the dots between the Mayor’s words and Mr. X’s actions, but I would again appeal to Council to heed the words of this country’s Constitution and not of those who support a country that does not recognize the political rights of its inhabitants.

Thank you

Report on Beth Israel vigil 08-24-13

Posted on August 27th, 2013 at 1:56 pm by

Front Page, Above the Fold

Reporter Ryan Stanton visited our vigil on August 24, and his 2,000-word article received front page prominence in the Sunday print edition of Mr. Stanton visited my home earlier in the week and conducted a 45-minute interview there. He also interviewed Beth Israel’s rabbi and congregants, as well as a few other vigilers. His diligence produced a story that is very revealing: the comments from our side includes information focusing on the suffering of the Palestinian people under the boot of Israeli might, while the comments of our opponents are uniformly self-pitying. If they were truthful, they would admit that it’s not our presence that causes them anguish, it’s our message that exposes truths they would prefer remain locked in their closets.

Front Page

Local Opinion of JWPF Rising

Apparently not satisfied with last year’s plea to have Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends terminate our peaceful, weekly vigils, the Rev. James Rhodenhiser of the St. Clare of Assisi Episcopal Church made an appeal to Ann Arbor’s City Council to “publicly denounce” the vigils on “the 10th anniversary of the protests”.

He submitted a letter signed by him and supported by 31 other religious leaders of various faiths in Ann Arbor, Saline and Ypsilanti, but his attempt to bring opprobrium upon our witness might have backfired. Among the 250+ comments the article generated, many were complimentary towards our efforts, including this one from Lolly:

I live three doors from the spot where the protests are held. They are quiet, polite, and express a view that is reasoned and thought-provoking. They have every right to be there expressing their opinion, and everyone else should just stay out of it.

… and another from robertalanhaber:

In my opinion, the Beth Israel Synagogue, as well as the whole Jewish Community, and its other institutions would all do well to welcome this discussion, and declare themselves supporting equal rights for Palestinians. They should have done so 10 years ago.

In the past, the ad hominem commenters had their way unchallenged, but as you review the comments from this article, you might note a political shift in how people are perceiving our dedication to exposing Israeli crimes and the local Jewish power that supports them.

Associated Press Picks Up JWPF Story; Other News Outlets Join In

An article ran this week in the Detroit News, which featured an Associated Press byline. Coverage of the City Council meeting at which Rhodenhiser made his request was originally presented by the Ann Arbor Chronicle. Reporter Samer Hijazi submitted an excellent article in the Arab American News.

King of the Jewish Gate Keepers

Max Blumenthal wants to “completely clean the movement out of these kind of people”. Here he is referring to Gilad Atzmon and others who openly question collective Jewish behavior, Jewish Power, Jewish identity politics, etc. Here he is interviewed by Paul Jay of The Real News, who serves up a softball question and lets Blumenthal thrash away at an absent Gilad with nothing but baseless ad hominem comments. Check your household cats for the tongue of Mr. Jay, who has yet to schedule a rebuttal from Gilad, nor return a phone call from this writer and others. Try it yourself: 917-463-3599

Readers of this report will remember a shocking personal exchange with Blumenthal at the University of Michigan last spring. It went like this:

Me: I was wondering why you signed that document against Gilad Atzmon
Max: Are you a supporter of Gilad Atzmon?
Me: Yes, I’m his friend
Max: Then I have nothing to say to you

Start Honing Your Cheeseburger Appetites

The 4th annual Bill Henry International Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day is right around the corner. Celebrate with us outside Beth Israel Congregation on September 14, then join us for a tasty burger at a local Ann Arbor restaurant.

Note: There was no vigil report for 08-17-13


August 17: 10 vigilers
August 24: 13 vigilers
Challenging Jewish Power for 10 years
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 08-10-13

Posted on August 19th, 2013 at 8:40 am by

Flagpole Destroyed

Near midnight on August 12 a vandal crept onto my front lawn and attempted to physically remove the anti-Israel flag that hangs from the tree there. What once was




in less than one minute. This trespass and malicious destruction of property has been reported to the Ann Arbor Police Department and we are anticipating reviewing evidence – including surveillance film footage – with AAPD’s Detective Department.

Looking Ahead (1)

Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends will celebrate ten years of standing up to Jewish Power in Ann Arbor on September 14. We are planning a belated private party due to some long-deserved vacations being planned by our regular vigilers.

Looking Ahead (2)

September 14 is also the date of the 4th Annual Bill Henry International Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day “when we honor Bill Henry (né Herskovitz) for a decision that quite possibly saved an eight-year-old boy from a life of “Jewish chauvinism and exclusivism”.” This event coincides with Yom Kippur and JWPF anticipates a larger than normal crowd attending services at Beth Israel. Please help us meet this increased presence at a Zionist synagogue by standing with us that day.

Looking Ahead (3): Road Trip

Two directors of Deir Yassin Remembered will visit Ann Arbor and vigil with us on September 28. Dan McGowan and Paul Eisen will join our ranks and help protest inordinate Jewish Power on that date. We plan then to load the vehicles and pay a visit to free speech advocate Ingrid Zundel in Pigeon Forge, TN, followed by a visit to the Washington, DC offices of [ital]The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.

We are also trying to acquire a venue where Messrs. McGowan and Eisen may address interested members of Ann Arbor’s peace community on Friday evening, September 27. Stay tuned for details.

Alice Walker Succumbs to Jewish Power

It’s now all over the internet that the University of Michigan invited author Alice Walker to speak at the Center for the Education of Women’s 50th anniversary event, then – based on threats from donors to withdraw funding – rescinded the invitation. Our Pinocchio Award has been issued to center Director Gloria D. Thomas who later denied that donors had any bearing on the decision.

That’s like denying the threat of funding loss had anything to do with the firing of former vigiler Dr. Catherine Wilkerson from the Packard Community Clinic in 2007. Or like the threat of funding loss was not a factor in the decision of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice to terminate its own Middle East Task Force. And one should not forget the brandishing of this Jewish Power in Dr. Barry Gross’ political threat to the Mayor and City Council members of Ann Arbor in his 2004 letter complaining of political inaction over his wish to have our vigils terminated.

Those who are insisting that it’s “Zionist Power” and not “Jewish Power” would do well to recall that, based on [ital]The Jewish State by Theodor Herzl, “Israel” was created and is maintained today as a “Jewish” state. They are also referred to Tony Martin’s book [ital]The Jewish Onslaught, in which the Jewish community of Wellesley, MA subjected him to the most outlandish ritual defamation over a subject that had nothing to do with Zionism.

Note: There was no vigil report for 08-03-13


August 3: 7 vigilers
August 10: 10 vigilers
“Israel” Out of US Government
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 07-27-13

Posted on August 4th, 2013 at 9:50 am by

The Party Never Ends

…and neither does the work. Wearing the “colors” on a cross-country motorcycle ride, this writer found many opportunities to initiate discussion of Jewish supremacism in Palestine and the Western world in general. An interview on the topic of Jewish Power with Bill Alford on his Moral Politics cable TV show will be aired August 16 in Seattle. Hopefully, we will be able to view the 28-minute segment soon.

Motorcycle Trip 2013 - sm

Bumper stickers were requested on two occasions and an interesting conversation occurred after a man at the fuel pump offered a biblical warning against promoting the “destruction of Israel”. It occurs that this is an area where activists could make great inroads: this man listened – perhaps didn’t accept – that the Jews of the Bible were not the ancestors of Zionist Jews from Europe who decided to invade Palestine and evict its people. He politely accepted the brochure “How Palestine Became Israel”, and hopefully will entertain a change of position.

Certainly, there were negative encounters. The most humorous was a woman from Paonia, Colorado who demanded I move my motorcycle from its legal parking spot because she didn’t want to have it “parked in [her] back yard” with that political “crap on the back”. Ah, the openness of American minds …

Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day Celebration in Dearborn

Two members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends attended Dearborn, Michigan’s Al Quds Day political celebration Friday, August 2, and shared our signs and flag with a modest crowd of about 150 people. The International Day of Quds calls for “people of conscience [to] express solidarity with the oppressed of the world, particularly the innocent of Palestine. We invite all the peace-loving people to voice their opposition against the unjust occupation and the usurpation of Palestine by the oppressive Zionist regime.”

Al Quds Day -sm


July 13th – 4 vigilers
July 20th – 6 vigilers
July 27th – 5 vigilers
Israel: No Right to Exist
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 06-22-13

Posted on June 30th, 2013 at 8:48 am by

Richard Siverstein: Fox Guards the Henhouse

An associate passed along an invitation to hear Richard Silverstein speak in Seattle this week. Silverstein operates a blog called Tikkun Olam, meaning “to heal the world“, although it appeared through our email exchange that Richard, with many other Jewish leaders in the Palestinian solidarity movement, refuses to countenance the single method to truly bring some healing to the Middle East: the end of the Jewish supremacist state in Palestine.

Not knowing this at the time, I asked this associate, “Does Richard support Israel’s claimed right to exist as a Jewish state in Palestine?”, and rather than answer my question, the associate passed it along to Richard, who did answer the question: “The short answer is that I support Israel’s right to exist”

The answer was wrapped in obfuscating jargon, including criticism of my alleged use of “complicated terms which can’t be unraveled in one sentence”. Now what is so complicated about rejecting Benjamin Netanyahu’s demand that Palestinians accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state?

I thanked Richard for answering the question but suggested that the answer wasn’t very satisfactory. He wants Israel to exist, but not necessarily as a state that “privilege[s] Judaism over non-Jewish religions”. But how can Richard overlook the fact that Israel defines itself as a Jewish state as Zionist forefather Theodore Herzl envisioned in his book The Jewish State (Der Judenstadt)?

Well, that opened some wounds that Richard quickly started dressing. He transmuted my word “elimination” into “bloodshed” and physical destruction. Then came the name calling: My “extreme position” of eliminating a state that didn’t even exist when I (and Richard?) were born; the “hubris” of my critical thinking; his ability to be “humored by people like you who know best” [challenging my call for Israel’s elimination]. He found my original question “irrelevant” to the issue of the Syrian crisis. He objected to my use of the term “Jewish power” and my assertion that its influence on US foreign policy can help us understand the Syrian crisis.

But Richard was clear: “No, I don’t call for the elimination of Israel,” he writes, and we imagine a slave-owner who has attained a following in the abolitionist movement and proclaims that he “does not call for an end to slavery.”

What credibility would we offer such a Trojan Horse? Wouldn’t we expect him to be thrown out of the abolitionist movement in a heartbeat? Yet here, in the thoroughly Judaized Palestine solidarity movement, we have opinion leaders such as Silverstein who openly support the continued existence of a Jewish supremacist state in Palestine.

And after, in Joel Finkel fashion assuring me that “But whatever [the solution] will be, Israel will exist in some form”, Richard makes it clear: “I am a Zionist and not afraid of the label”.

And there we have it: A Zionist in the peace movement. How many Zionist shills like him, and before him, have helped weaken the movement to liberate Palestine? How much longer will we tolerate these apologists for the role that Jewish identity politics play in Israel’s war crimes and human rights violations?


4 Vigilers
“Israel” exists because Jews want the land
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 06-15-13

Posted on June 23rd, 2013 at 10:59 am by

Tony Soprano, Israel, and Jewish Power

Well, the boss is dead, and there are those of us who now grieve, kidding ourselves into believing that we actually knew him. Such is the power of Hollywood: the ability to manipulate emotions, often to promote political agendas. Anyone see Exodus lately? Sophie’s Choice? Try typing “Holocaust Films” into Wikipedia to learn about true manipulation.

There seem to be at least two concepts worth considering here. First, if one understands the gangster mentality of The Soprano’s (simply put: you have what I want, now gimme it) then, by extension, one understands Israel’s behavior. The United Nations issues at least sixty five resolutions condemning this Israeli atrocity or that; the International Court of Justice condemns, with near-unanimity, the Apartheid Wall, and Israel’s response is the same as Tony’s:


Then there’s the Jewish Power aspect of The Soprano’s, identified and highlighted by Guiseppe Furioso in his 2002 letter to Jonathan Alter of Newsweek. “Joe” points out:

Ethnic disparagement that masquerades as humor is easiest when it is at someone else’s expense. The fact that Italians act in the program and are among its creators does not get you or the program off the hook any more than the fact that the actors in the old “Amos and Andy” series were black. And why did you not mention the ethnic background of the producers of the series or of the ownership of HBO? They are certainly not Italians.

He suggests to the Jewish Alter to use his tribal connections to promote Guiseppe’s idea to create a show based on another “crime family”:

It could be called, ”The Shapiros” and the following could be its leading characters: The patriarch of the family Morris Shapiro, a slumlord whose tenants are mostly minority and who is also suspected of being the nation’s largest launderer of Colombian drug money; Uncle Yitsak who runs a chain of sub standard nursing homes and is currently out on bail for dealing in child pornography; eldest son Dr. Mortimer Shapiro who runs a Medicare mill and several dozen “bingo” parlors in poor neighborhoods, the profits of which are used to finance illegal settlements on the West Bank…

“Joe’s” letter is published in Persecution, Privilege and Power edited by Mark Green, and reprinted without permission below signature. To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize (Voltaire).

The Israeli Dog and US Tail, Part Deux

Alison Weir tossed out a supportive comment in response to last week’s report’s mention of Jewish influence in US foreign policy. She is writing a book to be titled Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the United States was used to create Israel. She begins the book by writing:

While many people are led to believe that U.S. support for Israel is driven by the American establishment and U.S. national interests, the facts don’t support this theory. The reality is that for decades U.S. foreign policy and defense experts opposed supporting the creation of Israel. They then similarly opposed the massive American funding and diplomatic support that sustained the forcibly established state and that provided a blank check for its aggressive expansion. They were simply outmaneuvered and eventually replaced.

We anticipate reading this new book soon. View the uncorrected proof at


8 Vigilers
This report again dedicated to the memory of Sol Metz, who died one year ago
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends


The Sopranos and the Shapiros

This was sent to Jonathan Alter of Newsweek.

Nov. 5, 2002

Dear Mr. Alter:

Please forgive me for taking so long to respond to your reply to my letter of Oct. 10 in which I was critical of your essay in which you compared New Jersey Senator, Robert Torachelli with the fictitious crime boss, Tony Soprano. Regarding the comparison, you said you were merely, “trying to be funny”. As for the question of whether the show demeans Italians, you took the position that this is “much debated” and then gratuitously stated that, “the Italians who created the program and act in it obviously don’t think so”.

Ethnic disparagement that masquerades as humor is easiest when it is at someone else’s expense. The fact that Italians act in the program and are
among its creators does not get you or the program off the hook any more than the fact that the actors in the old “Amos and Andy” series were black. And why did you not mention the ethnic background of the producers of the series or of
the ownership of HBO? They are certainly not Italians.

At any rate, since you obviously do not find the “Sopranos” offensive, perhaps you could use your tribal connections to the media to promote my idea for another series about an ethnically defined “crime Family”.

It could be called, ”The Shapiros” and the following could be its leading characters: The patriarch of the family Morris Shapiro, a slumlord whose tenants are mostly minority and who is also suspected of being the nation’s largest launderer of Colombian drug money; Uncle Yitsak who runs a chain of sub standard nursing homes and is currently out on bail for dealing in child
pornography; eldest son Dr. Mortimer Shapiro who runs a Medicare mill and several dozen “bingo” parlors in poor neighborhoods, the profits of
which are used to finance illegal settlements on the West Bank; cousin Irving Shapiro, a convicted insider trader who recently purchased a pardon from outgoing president Bill Clinton; Zviv Shapiro who languishes in a federal prison because he spied for Israel and his brother Lev, an Israeli General, who in addition to siphoning off millions from the six billion in aid the US gives Israel
each year, was recently indicted for war crimes by a Belgian court for his role in the murder of 1600 Egyptian POW’s during the Six Day War; nephew Aaron who runs a “Tolerance” institute that has destroyed the careers and ruined financially
numerous public figures who were critical of Israel and her American supporters; family attorney, Seth Ginzburg, who, when he is not providing the family with legal loopholes for their nefarious activities, is bringing class action lawsuits on behalf of Holocaust survivors with contingency fees that have netted him tens of
millions, whereas the actual individual plaintiff awards have usually amounted to a few thousand dollars at most; Rabbi Joshua Goldstein spiritual councilor to the family who is currently under indictment for having hired a hitman to kill his wife.

Then of course there are the Shapiro women: Bertha, the sister of Morris who wrote the new course of study for multiculturalism and diversity mandated for use in New York City public schools and who has also been linked to the world’s
largest white slavery network that traffics primarily in poor young women from the former Soviet Union; Tiffany her younger sister, who with her lesbian lover were the first same sex couple to adopt a child in New York; daughter Beth and her Israeli husband, Yossi who are the leading importers and distributors of the drug ecstasy into the United States; the voluptuous Cohen twins, Becky and Rachel who allowed themselves to be taped by the Mossad during sexual trysts with the president and various congressional leaders for the purposes of political blackmail; niece Sharon and her husband Herb Hymawitz, who as officers of the ACLU are actively lobbying for the passage of a federal hate crimes which would make, among other things, a series like “Shapiros” illegal.

And no episode would be complete without a visit by one of the principle characters to family therapist and frequent “Oprah” guest, Dr. Sarah Sokoloff whose standard pattern of treatment calls for her to have sex with her patients.

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